Deciding on a medical aid can be a challenging decision. There’s an overwhelming amount of options available and weighing up the benefits of each can be a confusing and frustrating process. We take pride in our ability to ensure that you are in a position to make an informed decision regarding your healthcare benefits. We will simplify the selection of a medical scheme that meets your needs. Organisations can rely on us to ensure that they are offered up-to-date medical aid options and advice for their employees.

Verso Health (Pty) Ltd offers a complete healthcare consulting service which includes detailed medical scheme quotations, independent advice and comparisons on medical schemes and occupational healthcare as well as advice on corporate gap cover. You will also have access to our professional client services department, which will be able to assist you with the following services:


  • Member detail changes;
  • Direct access to administration systems;
  • Claims and benefit enquiries;
  • Product information;
  • Administration and Human Resources support services;
  • Hospital authorisations;
  • Administration and Human Resources support services;
  • Induction session for new employees on Group appointments;
  • Assistance with benefits and administrative procedures;
  • Assistance with any disputes with medical aid schemes or administrators;
  • Advice and guidance to employees with annual medical scheme updates.
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